In Santiago Lab, we are working on various exciting projects for many international clients. Usually, depending on the level of complexity, literature precedents, and other factors either FFS (fee for service) or FTE (full-time equivalent) type of contract is employed.

Fee for Service (FFS)
This type of contract is usually chosen when a project has some literature precedent (either scientific article or patent) and there is no need to do extensive research.
A typical example of an FFS project is when our client requests the synthesis of one or more compounds that follows a multi-step synthesis based on a patent and only very little synthetic optimization is required. This is a typical project of custom synthesis.
In this type of contract, the price quoted before the start of the project is paid only when we successfully prepare and deliver the requested product in agreed quality.
Full-time Equivalent (FTE)
When the project is more challenging and there is very little or no precedent in the literature, we employ the FTE type of contract.
For this type of work, a specific member/s of our team is dedicated only to this project and is charged for the time spent working on it. Every FTE project starts with a thorough literature review and a clear specification of the requirements with the client.
During the FTE contract, we can focus on more innovative and challenging research. The FTE contract allows us to be much more flexible with the project and specifically design the chemistry and experiments based on the client’s needs as they develop in time.
Compared to the FFS, FTE is typically charged monthly and can be both very short (one month) or long-term (more than a year).
During the FTE project management is very important and therefore, we are reporting the progress of the research to our client on a weekly basis. This enables that all the requirements of the client can be fulfilled.

If you would like to know more or if we can help you with your research, write an email to Krystof Sigut on or reach him on the phone +420 776 750 591.